
I am sure that you all have that one guy that loves to prepare food, especially on the grill around you and it is always organizing some backyard grill parties. Well, in my group, that is me! I am always thinking about juicy meat, checking weather reports to see the weather during the weekend and I have every type of grill there is in my yard. That is great because I am a simple guy when it comes to presents. Just give me something connected to grills and I will be happy as my son when he saw a bike we bought him last summer!

But, I have to admit that the gas grills are my favorite so most of the time I use them for my backyard parties. They are much easier to maintain, to clean and the meat is divine! Just by writing these sentences I got hungry! Anyway, back to the grilling topic 😀
Since gas grills are much more than just a food preparation tool for me, I love to read about them and I know a lot! Since I love talking about them, using them and eating meat made on them, my friends always come to me when they have any doubt about a product.

So, a few months ago I decided to gather my knowledge and this blog was born! It is constantly growing and it has become one of my favorite hobbies (my grilling passion is still number 1). I wish that people use them more because food prepared on them is much healthier and the best way to convince someone is to show them a bunch of information. If you are here, then you are interested in it so start reading and enjoy a great gas grill blog!